Limba moderna 1, limba engleza. Students book, clasa a V-a - Goldstein, Ben
Manual avizat prin Ordinul de Ministru nr. 4862/06. 09. 2017. Manualul școlar a fost aprobat de Ministerul Educației Naționale prin Ordinul de Ministru nr. 5265 / 03. 10. 2017
Cambridge uses cutting-edge language and pedagogy research to create innovative materials that teachers and students will love. Discovery Education video inspires students curiosity and enhances language learning.
It is the first time that Cambridge University Press has designed a course specifically for Romanian schools.
English and Romanian teachers have created, through Limba modernii 1. Limba englezii - studiu intensiv. Clasa a V-a, a textbook that follows the Romanian Curriculum step by step, offering:
- high-interest video from Discovery Education and stimulating global topics that spark curiosity and engage and motivate teenage learners;
- a careful progression of personalised language building activities that leads to greater spoken and written fluency;
- flexible teaching support for mixed ability classes that includes graded tests and extra practice activities.
Autori: Ben Goldstein, Ceri Jones, David McKeegan, Cristina Rusu, Diana Todoran
Anul aparitiei: 2017
Numar pagini: 208
Format: 21x29